WA Creating Tech Jobs via Quantum Technology Exchange

Accelerating the growth of Western Australia’s space and cross-sector startup field, the Quantum Technology Exchange Program opened for applications today. 

The program provides Startups or SMEs each with support to scale their business across sectors and strengthen innovative products that can solve common supply chain challenges across multiple industries, including the international space sector. 

The opportunity for WA to create new businesses and jobs is immense but also complex. Competitive technology startups unlock much of this potential, so QuantumTX focuses on facilitating small businesses into large sectors, accessing multi-sector sites, specialist sector expertise and mentors.” said Quantum Technology Exchange Founder, Adjunct Professor, Peter Rossdeutscher.

Included is a range of masterclasses, corporate speed-dating, mentoring and direct access to experts with experience at NASA, ESA, BHP, Robotics Australia, and international organisations. Participants will visit a number of supporting sites including Fugro’s Australian Space Automation, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Control Complex.  Successful applicants will also be included in the QuantumTX showcase event in Perth.

QuantumTX business accelerator is for scale-up solutions in the Mining, Energy, Agriculture, Defence and Space industries in digital technologies, automation & remote operations, data sciences, sustainability, and clean energy.  Businesses will meet speakers and coaches including sessions with key representatives from companies such as Woodside Energy, BHP, Roy Hill, Rio Tinto, AROSE, Fugro SpAARC, Robotics Australia Group, NOVA Systems, METS Ignited.

Small & medium businesses can play an important role in scaling the Australian space industry. Australia has great capability in key existing sectors such as resources, energy, communications, medicine and more, and it is these businesses that now have an opportunity to adapt those proven solutions to the needs of the emerging space sector. We encourage programs like QuantumTX, to play a role in creating those connections and opportunities across sectors whilst helping build capabilities” said Karl Rodrigues, Executive Director International and National Engagement at the Australian Space Agency.

Valued at $12,500, participation is free via a competitive application process. Applications are invited from Western Australian scale-ups and SME that are keen to scale, have technology solutions and the potential to create exports.  It has helped many companies increase their networks, raise capital, and grow. 

Access to new corporate clients, support on capital raising and guidance from sector experts were a significant benefit to the rapid growth of our business in the mining and transport sectors.The Tap into Safety training platform is in high demand due to our >90 training courses for skills, leadership, safety and mental health, robust assessments and GAP reporting.” said Dr Susanne Bahn, Founder of Tap into Safety (QuantumTX 2021 WA Participant.

QuantumTX WA Space & Technology is funded by the Western Australian Government through the New Industries Fund.  It is also sponsored by METS Ignited, plus industry leaders Fugro and AROSE (Australian Remote Operations for Space & Earth).  Probono supporters include Roy Hill, Woodside Energy, UWA International Space Center, and Curtin University Center for Space Technology and Research.

Lina Velosa, QuantumTX 2019 WA Participant with Nexxis Technology said, “The QuantumTX program provided new insights into future technologies and opportunities to apply these across different sectors such as Space. The Atomic Sky mentoring and international networking introductions created opportunities that had measurable outcomes, which positively affected our overall business strategy. Since the program ending in March 202, Nexxis have created 17 new Western Australian jobs, 9 FTE and 5 casual employees.”